Tuesday 6 July 2010

Spotlight On: Kennedy Francis

Kennedy Francis is a not-so-young, although not-so-old designer. He harbours hopes of getting into web designer and graphic design once he hangs up his electricians tool kit. Today however Azul Ink will not be looking at his graphic design work nor at his web design work, but rather at some of his stunning up-close photography which turns the ordinary into the extra-ordinary. (Click to enlarge)

The above picture is simply vibrant. Colours jump off the photograph all screaming "look at me!" The sharp focus Mr Francis pays to his work helps this photograph come alive.

Azul Ink Rating: 8/10

This picture is a everyday scene, weeds growing through some patio tiles. Francis however changes this mundane picture into something much more lovely to look at. his close up views help us see patterns, colours and shapes we never would have taken notice of before.

Azul Ink Rating: 7.5/10

Azul Ink particularly likes this shot because it is a very clean, crisp photograph. The red, greys, silvers and blacks all work together in beautiful contrast with the white pulling it all together nicely. A beautiful shot!

Azul Ink Rating: 9/10

These two photos are simply genius by Francis. He has shifted the focal point in both of these identical photographs to create two new photos from one scene. As they say, the simple things are often the best, and in this case Azul Ink has to agree.

Azul Ink Rating: 9/10

Azul Ink Final Verdict: As Kennedy Francis is strictly an amateur these photographs are well executed and well done. Considering Francis' lack of formal training and high-grade equipment his works are stunning and beautifully done. Francis reminds us of what designers so often forget to do: K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Stupid

Azul Ink will feature more of Mr. Francis' photography work as he continues to zoom in and get personal.

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